Younger You Med Spa in DeLand offers skin resurfacing with the Spectrum Erbium Laser.
Erbium Yag Laser skin resurfacing helps to improve an assortment of conditions such as sun damage, scars, fine lines & wrinkles. Rejuvenate your skin and turn back the hands of time.
What is Erbium?
Erbium:YAG uses a 2940nm wavelength for skin resurfacing. The Erbium:YAG on the Spectrum is fully ablative and customizable, having the ability to resurface skin from 10 to 100 microns.
What are some indications for Erbium?
Erbium-YAG lasers have been used for laser resurfacing of skin. Example uses include treating acne scarring, rhytids, skin texture, and melasma. An Erbium Laser Peel can be very successful at reducing or eliminating these conditions, and, in fact, it is the best way to address the problematic lines that occur around the mouth and eyes.
What does it do?
Erbium:YAG laser skin resurfacing is an effective technique for minimally invasive and effective management of many cutaneous conditions and lesions. Its main indications include treatment ofphotoaging, rhytids, wrinkles, and solitary benign and malignant cutaneous lesions.
How does Erbium differ from other laser treatments?
Unlike a CO2 laser, an erbium laser is a gentler approach to the skin, hence why it is named the “micro laser peel.” The erbium laser is usually more of a superficial treatment than a CO2 laser and will help treat fine lines, some hyperpigmentation, and mild scarring.
Does it help anti-aging / stimulate collagen?
Ablative and non-ablative Erbium laser resurfacing stimulate collagen reorganization and fibroblast activation in photoaged skin. Ablative resurfacing, as on the Spectrum laser, will yield more significant results in a shorter period of time.
What to expect?
Topical numbing cream is typically used to help mitigate any discomfort. Mild erythema (redness) can last a few hours up to a few days depending on the severity of the treatment. Mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort may persist for up to 24-48 hours. Patients may use ice to sooth areas of discomfort. A few days after mild peeling of the skin will begin, do not pick.
How does it feel?
The Erbium laser provides a safer, more accurate and less painful method of restoring a softer, smoother, more youthful-appearing skin. Patients can have their procedure performed in the doctor’s office and be home that same day.
The results of IPL begin to appear right after treatment and continue to improve over the next few days to weeks.
It does take some time for veins to fully collapse and be reabsorbed by the body, so full results cannot be seen right away. If symptoms accompanied the spider veins, they are usually relieved immediately after treatment.
Before & After

Pain reduction with Cryo 6
Cryo 6, the cold air device from the world leader
Cryo 6 is intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser and dermatological treatments and for temporary topical anesthetic relief during injections.
Unlike other cooling methods, such as contact cooling, cryogen spray or ice packs, the Cryo 6 can cool the epidermis before, during and after the laser energy has been applied, without interfering with the laser beam.
Studies also have shown that chilling with the Cryo 6 cold air device reduces the patient’s pain sensitivity. This means much better tolerance of the treatment.
A Younger You Med Spa
A Younger You Med Spa offers expert esthetician services and unsurpassed luxury and comfort. Allow us to provide you with a custom, personal treatment experience as we help you realize a younger you. For more information about the facial treatment procedures we offer at our DeLand, FL location please contact us. Serving all of Volusia County including Daytona Beach, Deltona, and Orange City, FL.